let’s co-create your wedding ceremony
“Aimer, ce n’est pas se regarder l’un l’autre, c’est regarder ensemble dans la même direction.”
“Love does not consist in gazing at each other, it is looking together outward in the same direction.”
And I think this quote speaks to you, as you fell in love nearly 7 years ago, and yes, you probably just gazed at each other for a while… But then, you have built so much together! It makes no doubt that you have learned to look in the same direction for years now: you’ve had 3 houses, you’ve worked really hard and supported each other to secure your future, and most importantly, you gave birth to Amelia 3 years ago. More than ever, you now share common goals and priorities in life, and this is what marriage is really about.
Personalized ceremony
from 1100€

Photography by Samantha Davis
A personalized ceremony is a secular ceremony based on a classical structure. All paragraphs within this structure will be personalized to reflect your vision of life, of marriage and of what commitment means to you. Elements of your story will be given to your guests if you wish it. A personalized ceremony usually lasts for about 20 to 30 minutes.
What’s included:
- 2 Skype calls to get to know each other
- Questionnaires to give you time to prepare and discuss some questions
- Texts to choose a reading from, which will be red by one of your guests
- The possibility of including a symbolic ritual (eg: hand fasting ritual)
- Access to a spotify playlist to help you choose your musical moments
- A symbolic certificate to sign at the end of the ceremony
- Help and advice to write your personal wedding vows
- A keepsake beautyfully printed copy of your ceremony script to keep as a souvenir
Before me are two smart, kind, considerate and loving people not only towards each other but also to anyone who crosses their path.
They rarely disagree but when they do, their strong communication skills help them move forward and grow together. More importantly, they will never ever hold resentment towards each other (between us, they confessed that they were too well trained in psychology by their parents to even consider it)!
They treat each other with infinite respect and great empathy.
Bespoke ceremony
from 1880€

Photography by Ossa Photo
A bespoke ceremony is a ceremony entirely built around your couple. The preparation will take more time than for the personalized ceremony (for you and for me), as it will lead you to reflect more profoundly on your couple. You will discuss many questions which are essential to a healthy marriage, beyond what could be needed to write a personalized ceremony. The ceremony structure will be decided during the second part of our preparation, once the key messages you’d like to talk/hear about have been revealed by the questionnaires and our preparation sessions. Step by step, your ceremony will shape up like a puzzle.
What’s included:
- About 3 skype calls/preparation sessions
- Many questionnaires (compulsory ones and optional ones)
- Help and advice to write your personal wedding vows
- Help and advice to the 1 to 5 guests (or group of guests) who’d like to give a personal speech
- Access to a spotify playlist to help you choose your musical moments
- Personalized suggestions of texts that can be read by one of your guests
- Personalized suggestions of symbolic rituals which will illustrate one of your key messages
- Possibility of incorporating rituals, texts, prayers from a religion/tradition
- Elaboration of a road map (plan of the ceremony + who is in charge of what)
- Coordination of anyone involved in the ceremony (DJ, kids, speakers, live musicians etc.)
- A keepsake printed ceremony script copy on the day + symbolic certificate
- A PDF copy of the script illustrated by some of your photographer’s pictures and the possibility to order a printed book from it, delivered around Christmas time.
Marshall, Esther, lorsqu’on préparait cette cérémonie, vous m’avez dit ceci : « Life only makes sense when we are together » (La vie n’a de sens que lorsque nous sommes ensemble). Voilà pourquoi, votre priorité absolue dans la vie est de passer le plus de temps possible ensemble, connectés l’un à l’autre.
And this quality time you’re constantly seeking, doesn’t have to be made of extravagant dinners or fancy dates. You have the ability to see the beauty and the magic in the ordinary. And this is a great asset you’re starting your marriage with, because in life and in marriage, the little things are the big things– Un mariage, et plus généralement, la vie, sont source d’immenses bonheurs si l’on est capable de s’arrêter devant la beauté des choses simples (…)
Bilingual or multilingual bespoke ceremony

Photography by Ed Peers
Creating a bilingual or multilingual ceremony can quickly become a Chinese puzzle! I’ve had the chance to celebrate many multilingual ceremonies: two French-American weddings, a French-Portuguese, a French-Algerian, a French-Catalan civil union, a French-German wedding in which the bride and groom spoke English to each other, a wedding in French and English including passages in Lebanese etc.
To me, the essential is to avoid traducing everything in the other language, otherwise it becomes quickly boring for those who speak both languages (which, moreover, is usually the case of the bride and groom!). So ideally, we want to build the ceremony structure and write the script in a way that the key messages are understood by all, but in which the details and anecdotes are different from one language to another.
We want your guests to be able to understand your intention and messages, to be present and involved in the moment, and to feel your love and emotions just by being there and looking at you. If needed, some parts (like your vows) can be translated, printed, and handed out during the ceremony.
Writing a bilingual bespoke ceremony requests additional work, hence the price difference. I can write in French, English and add passages in Spanish. For other languages, I can work alongside one of your guests/family members who will co- officiate the ceremony with me.
Personalized ceremony
from 1100€

Photography by Samantha Davis
A personalized ceremony is a secular ceremony based on a classical structure. All paragraphs within this structure will be personalized to reflect your vision of life, of marriage and of what commitment means to you. Elements of your story will be given to your guests if you wish it. A personalized ceremony usually lasts for about 20 to 30 minutes.
What’s included:
- 2 Skype calls to get to know each other
- Questionnaires to give you time to prepare and discuss some questions
- Texts to choose a reading from, which will be red by one of your guests
- The possibility of including a symbolic ritual (eg: hand fasting ritual)
- Access to a spotify playlist to help you choose your musical moments
- A symbolic certificate to sign at the end of the ceremony
- Help and advice to write your personal wedding vows
- A keepsake beautyfully printed copy of your ceremony script to keep as a souvenir
“Aimer, ce n’est pas se regarder l’un l’autre, c’est regarder ensemble dans la même direction.”
“Love does not consist in gazing at each other, it is looking together outward in the same direction.”
And I think this quote speaks to you, as you fell in love nearly 7 years ago, and yes, you probably just gazed at each other for a while… But then, you have built so much together! It makes no doubt that you have learned to look in the same direction for years now: you’ve had 3 houses, you’ve worked really hard and supported each other to secure your future, and most importantly, you gave birth to Amelia 3 years ago. More than ever, you now share common goals and priorities in life, and this is what marriage is really about.
Bespoke ceremony

Photography by Ossa Photo
A bespoke ceremony is a ceremony entirely built around your couple. The preparation will take more time than for the personalized ceremony (for you and for me), as it will lead you to reflect more profoundly on your couple. You will discuss many questions which are essential to a healthy marriage, beyond what could be needed to write a personalized ceremony. The ceremony structure will be decided during the second part of our preparation, once the key messages you’d like to talk/hear about have been revealed by the questionnaires and our preparation sessions. Step by step, your ceremony will shape up like a puzzle.
What’s included:
- About 3 skype calls/preparation sessions
- Many questionnaires (compulsory ones and optional ones)
- Help and advice to write your personal wedding vows
- Help and advice to the 1 to 5 guests (or group of guests) who’d like to give a personal speech
- Access to a spotify playlist to help you choose your musical moments
- Personalized suggestions of texts that can be read by one of your guests
- Personalized suggestions of symbolic rituals which will illustrate one of your key messages
- Possibility of incorporating rituals, texts, prayers from a religion/tradition
- Elaboration of a road map (plan of the ceremony + who is in charge of what)
- Coordination of anyone involved in the ceremony (DJ, kids, speakers, live musicians etc.)
- A keepsake printed ceremony script copy on the day + symbolic certificate
- A PDF copy of the script illustrated by some of your photographer’s pictures and the possibility to order a printed book from it, delivered around Christmas time.
Before me are two smart, kind, considerate and loving people not only towards each other but also to anyone who crosses their path.
They rarely disagree but when they do, their strong communication skills help them move forward and grow together. More importantly, they will never ever hold resentment toward each other (between us, they confessed that they were too well trained in psychology by their parents to even consider it)!
They treat each other with infinite respect and great empathy.
Bilingual ceremony

Crédit photo : NinoWill Photography
Creating a bilingual or multilingual ceremony can quickly become a Chinese puzzle! I’ve had the chance to celebrate many multilingual ceremonies: two French-American weddings, a French-Portuguese, a French-Algerian, a French-Catalan civil union, a French-German wedding in which the bride and groom spoke English to each other, a wedding in French and English including passages in Lebanese etc.
To me, the essential is to avoid traducing everything in the other language, otherwise it becomes quickly boring for those who speak both languages (which, moreover, is usually the case of the Bride and Groom!). So ideally, we want to build the ceremony structure and write the script in a way that the key messages are understood by all, but in which the details and anecdotes are different from one language to another.
We want your guests to be able to understand your intention and messages, to be present and involved in the moment, and to feel your love and emotions just by being there and looking at you. If needed, some parts (like your vows) can be translated, printed, and handed out during the ceremony.
Writing a bilingual bespoke ceremony requests additional work, hence the price difference. I can write in French, English and add passages in Spanish. For other languages, I can work alongside one of your guests/family members who will co- officiate the ceremony with me.
Marshall, Esther, lorsqu’on préparait cette cérémonie, vous m’avez dit ceci : « Life only makes sense when we are together » (La vie n’a de sens que lorsque nous sommes ensemble). Voilà pourquoi, votre priorité absolue dans la vie est de passer le plus de temps possible ensemble, connectés l’un à l’autre.
And this quality time you’re constantly seeking, doesn’t have to be made of extravagant dinners or fancy dates. You have the ability to see the beauty and the magic in the ordinary. And this is a great asset you’re starting your marriage with, because in life and in marriage, the little things are the big things– Un mariage, et plus généralement, la vie, sont source d’immenses bonheurs si l’on est capable de s’arrêter devant la beauté des choses simples (…)
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